Through our digital integrity education and online vulnerability assessments, individuals receive a comprehensive overview of their online footprint and know how to stay safe online. We aim to increase safety awareness through education and proactive investigations into online vulnerabilities.
We offer educational products and services, including online education platforms and live workshops, customized and branded to meet each partner's needs. Our digital and social media integrity education programs provide participants with the knowledge and tools to recognize and mitigate risks.
Topics include online abuse, appropriate content, risk factors, digital vulnerabilities, the impact of sports betting on athletes, and signs and symptoms of mental health conditions.
Our in-depth vulnerability assessments and risk profiling highlight security issues or exposure in an individual's online footprint. We identify potential vulnerabilities, such as the availability or publication of personal information, including addresses, passwords, email addresses or phone numbers. The service can also be used to identify the leakage of sensitive information by close friends and family and social media vulnerabilities.
This exercise can also be conducted in reverse, seeking to identify the source of a leak where personal information may have been inadvertently shared. We can help ensure athletes and others minimize risks by understanding and controlling their digital footprint.