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Q&A with George Powell: Turning searchers into customers

In the highly competitive world of betting and gaming marketing, getting customers to the bottom of the funnel is tough, and getting them over the line is even harder. But what if you could reach them right when they’re ready to play?

Introducing ad:s Paid Search – the newest addition to Sportradar’s marketing services that will win customers right at the bottom of the marketing funnel.

We caught up with George Powell, Sportradar ad:s’ new Head of Paid Search, to get the inside scoop on this game-changing channel.

Q: George, you’ve been in the search advertising game for a while now. What trends are you seeing, and what challenges are operators facing?

George Powell: Great question. The search landscape is always evolving, but one trend we’re seeing is operators looking for more tailored solutions. While the big search advertising platforms offer powerful tools, many operators are seeking data and insights that are more specific to our industry. Operators are realizing that generic search tools don’t deliver the same performance results for our specialized industry. They’re after transparent, industry-specific data they can rely on to make informed decisions. Another challenge is the increasing complexity of search algorithms, making it harder for operators to stand out in a crowded field. That’s where having access to high-quality, industry-specific data becomes crucial.

“A trend we are seeing is that operators are looking for more tailored tools, hence they are seeking specialised, industry-specific data.”

Q: What practical guidance would you give operators looking to optimize their search campaigns?

GP: First off, get your house in order. Take a good look at your account structure. Are your campaigns and ad groups tightly themed? If not, that’s your starting point. Next, dive into your search term reports. You’ll often find gold in there – both positive and negative. Use those insights to refine your keyword list and beef up your negative keywords.

Don’t forget about ad extensions. They’re often overlooked, but they can really boost your click-through rates. And speaking of ads, always be testing. Try different headlines, descriptions, and calls to action. What works today might not work tomorrow.

Lastly, keep an eye on your quality scores. They’re a good indicator of how well your keywords, ads, and landing pages are working together. If you see low scores, that’s your cue to roll up your sleeves and start optimizing.

Q: So, with these thoughts in mind, what makes the Paid Search solution you are launching with Sportradar different from other search solutions out there?

GP: It’s all about the data advantage. We’re not just another search tool – we’re built specifically for betting and gaming marketing. Sportradar’s position at the crossroads of sports, media, and tech gives us an unrivalled industry database that we combine with proprietary marketing tech to ensure transparent and trustworthy search advertising data. All of this can be combined so you’ll find untapped opportunities and spend smarter on keywords that really matter, giving you the edge over competitors in the acquisition stage of your campaigns.

Q: Can you give us an example of how this works in practice?

GP: Sure thing. Let’s say there’s a big football match coming up. Our system knows which search terms are likely to spike, based on historical data, industry data and current trends. We’ll help you target those terms more effectively than your competitors, who might be relying on more generic search tools. It’s like having a crystal ball for your search campaigns.

Q: What else are you and your team working on?

GP: We’ve got a few aces up our sleeve. First, there’s our dynamic landing page solution. This increases the relevancy of your search adverts and engages customers post-click by automatically matching the content of your landing page with the ad that is displayed to the customer. Then we’ve got dynamic content for your ads, covering both betting and casino markets. This grabs your audience’s attention with up-to-the-minute, relevant info, such as live jackpots.

“Dynamic landing pages increase the relevancy of search adverts by automatically matching the content of the landing page with the ad that is displayed to the customer.”

Q: What about betting and gaming operators who are new to paid search advertising? How can you help them?

GP: That’s where our keyword benchmarking really shines. If you’re new to paid search, you might not know which keywords are worth your time and budget. Our system gives you insights based on industry-wide data, so you can compete with experienced advertisers from day one.

Q: Looking ahead, how do you see ad:s Paid Search evolving?

GP: What we’ve got now with keyword benchmarking and report tools is just the beginning. We can react quickly to changes in marketing tech and individual wishes. But here’s the exciting part: our future partners will be able to get tailored new features based on their specific needs and emerging trends. We’re also looking at offering managed services down the line. It’s all about giving our partners the edge they need to succeed in the search advertising environment.

Want to learn more about how ad:s Paid Search can give you a competitive edge at the bottom of the marketing funnel?

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